Frequently asked questions.
What makes Quivr different from other CRMs?
Created by financial advisors, and you can tell. Quivr focuses on serving your clients and running your firm, not “reading Facebook” to see what you’ve done recently. From simple day-to-day task management to preparing for meetings in minutes, Quivr helps you implement your desired service offering as efficiently and as accurately as possible.
Need workflows? We give you 100s of templates.
Deliverables? We have you covered.
Automations? Absolutely.
Where can I find the details of Quivr's pricing?
You can find a clear breakdown of our pricing and cost calculation on our Pricing page.
What integrations does Quivr support?
Since Quivr is built on Salesforce, we integrate with virtually all Salesforce-supported platforms. In addition, we've developed several direct integrations to enhance your experience. See our Integrations page for more information.
How do I get Help & Support once I sign up?
With Quivr’s Community, help is always at your fingertips! You’ll find hundreds of detailed how-to articles and step-by-step instructions, along with a vibrant forum where you can ask questions, share best practices, and submit feature requests while connecting with other users. If you need more personalized support, join our weekly Office Hours or submit a support ticket—our team typically responds within 24 hours. We’re here to ensure your Quivr experience is seamless and successful!
Have additional questions?
Contact us, and we'd be happy to answer them for you! We're here to help and ensure you have all the information you need.